Artist FeatureTommy Feiler is a Canadian artist currently based in Prince Edward County. ...
DAHLIA S L presents Stripped, a group exhibition that emphasizes the human body and the portrait as a vehicle for personal emotional reactions to intimacy. Each work is selected to reflect perspectives of the physical body, and our identification with emotion and intimacy or the lack of. Covid-19 reduced our capacity for touch and intimacy and Stripped brings back the love and passion for the human figure and our identity with others and ourselves. Diving deep into themes of philosophy and emotion, intimacy and vulnerability, isolation and touch, this is a creative process that organizes three outstanding artists in one event, including Fabrizio Sclocco, Elly Smallwood, Donna Zekas. 2% of gross profits will be donated to Alternatives for Women, and Belinda Labatte will personally match all funds raised.
Open to the public the last three weekends of October beginning October 15. Private viewings are available throughout October by appointment.
Barrack 12, Camp Picton, 343 County Road 12, Picton
Tommy Feiler is a Canadian artist currently based in Prince Edward County. ...
Oeno Gallery presents CHROMA QUEST, on exhibition until March 30th, 2025. ...