
Member Profile

Zac Kenny


"Moral Reef," 2015, oil on canvas, 72 x 48 inches
Introducing Kate Golding
About Zac Kenny

I am an artist, designer and educator living in Cherry Valley, Prince Edward County. I teach abstract painting at the County Arts Lab and love to see how people develop their approach to abstract painting. I make and teach abstract art because I want people to have abstract experiences – to leave the world of language and labels and connect to the visual on an emotional level.

Painting is my passion, and there is nothing that gives me more artistic fulfillment as putting paint on a canvas. In recent years, however, I’ve become increasingly interested in the possibilities of digital media, especially in 3D, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality. The ability to create immersive environments and objects is very exciting to me.

In my day job, I work in communications and marketing at Queen’s University and am occasionally able to incorporate a love of science, communication and illustration.

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