“I paint the things that describe my personal journey through life, influenced by architecture both man-made and in nature.”
Painting has been a lifetime passion and I have sketched and painted since childhood enjoying many different styles and subject matters, representative through abstract. I am largely self-taught but have taken numerous workshops with talented professional artists to improve my skills and to broaden my art experience.
My favourite medium is acrylic but I also like to experiment with new techniques using inks, watercolours, natural materials and other collage materials.
I have been accepted into the juried Art in the County show for several consecutive years and have participated in many art exhibitions both locally and away.
I am a member at Arts on Main Gallery.
Over the years I have painted for several County fundraisers, giving me the opportunity to donate to important community causes.
Retirement to Prince Edward County has provided an opportunity to return to painting full time.
My art is available through Arts on Main Gallery or by contacting me directly by phone (613-476-8490) or email at jvcluett@sympatico.ca.
Viewable online at artsonmaingallery.ca.