After graduating with a B.F.A and a Major in Drawing and Painting from OCADU, I have continued my art practice for many years emphasizing drawing as a foundation to the mediums I utilize. My expertise is with materials and processes, understanding the technical aspects of paints and inks, printmaking and publication.
My recent body of art from 2018-current has been watercolour and ink on archival papers, progress can be seen on my Instagram page.
I have exhibited in Toronto, Montreal and southern Ontario within many group shows and events, notably selling my prints with Katherine Mulherine’s No Foundation Gallery in Toronto. I have created murals for Toronto’s Sketch Street Art Program and have contributed to NY, New York’s underground music venue Death By Audio (no longer extant). In 2003, I founded the experimental no-style art-rock band DD/MM/YYYY and traveled across the U.S., Europe and Hong Kong. DD/MM/YYYY (pronounced Day Month Year) performed on MTV Live, CBC radio 3 and collaborated with Portishead’s Jeff Barrow to produce a split 12″ record with his band BEAK.
I have created artwork for NBC’s Warehouse 13 Season 2, and one of my murals is featured in the music video “Toes” by Lights. My exhibition CV includes a month long residency in Prague CZ and various underground galleries.