The County has always been a sanctuary for me as I have always been inspired by the wide variety of creativity. As a 21-year-old, I, along with most others have been subject to being placed in boxes having to conform to what people say is the standard. I choose to not allow these specific characteristics to define who I am, so I choose to be what makes me happy. Being an academic through my fourth year of kinesiology with a minor in psychology, a varsity rugby player, an adventure seeker and a wakeboard/surf instructor at Westlake. Art has been the one area in my life to which the only limitation is myself, there are no rules, no standard way of creating, and no wrong answers. My art is a reflection of the journey through my creative process. What once was the original vision is a memory paving way for mistakes, breakthroughs, and creation. My wish is to inspire the inner child in all to imagine the unimaginable again.