The natural world offers up an ever-changing show of light, colour, line, drama, and atmosphere, simplifying the search for subject matter: Simply look, and you will find a potential painting.
Pastels had me the first time I saw the work of Wolf Kahn. The vibrancy, intensity, freshness, and immediacy of pastel initially grabbed my attention, but I was also drawn to works where pastels were applied with subtlety and moodiness. I loved that colour and texture could be modelled with a more visceral application and sensory feedback.
I have recently retired from my practice as a child psychologist in Toronto and have shifted my base to the County where the opportunities for inspiration are limitless and the support for the artistic community is unparalleled.
More time at the easel has permitted me to concentrate on works in oils in larger formats. By pushing further into explorations of semi-abstract landscapes, I have attempted to achieve a sense of atmosphere and mood – I strive to paint not what is there, but what is not there.