
Member Profile

Jana Osterman

Multidisciplinary Artist

#7, copper wall sculpture
#7, copper wall sculpture
Introducing Kate Golding
About Jana Osterman

Jana Osterman is a full-time artist and fabricator. Born in Slovenia, Jana moved to Holland whre she studied at Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. She continued with printmaking studies in England. She has been living and working in Canada for over 20 years, in Toronto and now in Prince Edward County.

Jana works in two and three dimensions. Drawing on elements of abstraction and the natural world, she is driven by choice of material, process and intuition. Her work is held in collections in Canada, Slovenia, Germany, England and Dubai, which include public artwork commissions. Jana is represented by  www.vesselsandsticks and Oeno Gallery

View Jana’s fabrications/public art collaborations at

You can contact Jana through e-mail:  instagram @ostermanjanab or visit her website

See The Work

Oeno Gallery

2274 County Rd.1, Bloomfield, ON

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