Emebet Belete is an artist and educator who was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A graduate of the Addis Ababa Fine Arts School, and Queen’s University, Kingston, her artistic practice reflects her cross-cultural observations living in Ethiopia, Canada and Asia. Her work ranges from oil and acrylic, to collage and mixed media, and can be found at the National Museum of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian National Institute of Culture, the TEDA Archives (Tianjin, China) and in private collections around the world.
Emebet is a recipient of Ontario Arts Council and Canada Council for the Arts creation grants, as well as education and project grants from the OAC and the City of Belleville, which she uses to teach and encourage the arts in schools and the community. She is currently working on Bridging Communities, an art installation with the goal of bringing together communities across our region to yarn storm Belleville’s Upper Front Street Bridge in crochet.
You can see her community art work at www.artwithpassion.ca and her professional work at www.emebet.ca.
See The WorkOur Bridging Community crochet circles (provided free) are running in Picton, Trenton, Belleville, and Kingston. See www.emebet.ca/workshops for more details.