
Lab Terms & Waivers – Adults

Terms of Participation and Waivers of Liability – County Arts Lab Program Participants



The Participant in County Arts Lab programming (Participant) acknowledges that they must comply with the following Code of Conduct while at the County Arts Lab or Lab satellite locations.

County Arts believes that all stakeholders including employees, volunteers, members, partners and program participants deserve to be treated with respect and dignity in environments that are free of harassment and discrimination. All stakeholders must work to maintain an environment free of harassment, violence, abuse and discrimination (see the County Arts Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity Policy for more information). The Participant acknowledges that the following conduct will not be tolerated during County Arts Lab programming: Harassment of any sort, including sexual, racial, or disability harassment; Verbal Abuse including insults, threats to person or property, foul language, shouting, derogatory or discriminatory remarks; Physical Abuse whether real, threatened, or implied by word or behavior; Unsafe Behavior that may result in injury to a person(s) or damage to the facilities; Intoxication of any sort by any person attending, teaching in, or visiting the County Arts Lab or satellite locations.

In addition, during County Arts Lab programming, each person has a right to expect: Classes to begin and end at the posted or agreed upon time; Classes to be free from disruption including latecomers, and cell phones; An environment that allows instructors and students to focus on the work of the class; Solicited criticism of work to be delivered in the spirit of productive, positive, useful feedback; Prompt and courteous responses to concerns and complaints with action taken when necessary; Acceptance of the diversity of participants’ opinions, appearance, work, and values.

During County Arts Lab programming, each person has a responsibility to: Behave at all times in a respectful and courteous manner towards others; Come to class prepared to work and allow others to work; Clean up their own materials and work station after use; Participate in keeping the Lab a safe environment by locking doors (Instructors/Facilitators), reporting hazards, and looking out for others; Inform instructors, staff, or the Board promptly of any concerns or issues. 

Any complaints regarding conduct or materials should be brought to the attention of an Artist Instructor/Facilitator (who may escalate the complaint to County Arts staff) or, where the claim is based on conduct by the Artist Instructor/Facilitator, to the attention of County Arts staff (email The complaint will be investigated, and appropriate action will be taken. County Arts reserves the right to process complaints and redress internally in accordance with its policies or refer matters to the appropriate body, commission, or court.


The Participant agrees to comply with current County Arts Lab Covid-19 Policy and Protocols (linked here on our website). Fees will not be refunded. Protocols are subject to change; participants will be informed of any changes via email.



The Participant acknowledges that there are risks inherent to all activities, and freely accepts and fully assumes all such risks, dangers and hazards, and the possibility of personal injury, harm, death, property damage or loss incurred as a result of their participation in County Arts Lab programming. The Participant agrees to waive any and all claims that they have or may have in the future, against County Arts and any additional sponsors of County Arts Lab programming, along with their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, members, agents, and contractors.

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