
Community Arts Classes

The County Arts Lab offers a range of accessible, arts-focused learning and creative opportunities for all ages!

Early Spring 2025 session registration is NOW OPEN!

There are a few workshops left in the Winter session at the County Arts Lab and registration is now open for the Early Spring session! Join us for a course and learn some new skills at the County Arts Lab!

Our multi-week courses this session include some new instructors and some returning favs, with courses that are appropriate for all skill levels! On Monday mornings we welcome Kat Burns for a four week mixed media course combining Art and Activism. On Tuesday mornings Julie Seddon is back with another Painting course- Journey Through Colour and Style. Lucy Sterezylo returns with another amazing Bookbinding course on Wednesday evenings and Irene Götz will return with her popular Drawing for Absolute Beginners course.

Our Saturday morning Kids’ Creation Club is paused for this session, but don’t worry there will be a chance for the kids to make their masterpieces in the next session! For now we have a really exciting one-off workshop with Ali EisnerPuppeteering for Kids!

And for workshops we have a spring-themed selection, including an adult-version of Ali Eisner’s Puppeteering workshop, allowing you to learn pupeteering techniques used in film and TV! Or join Christine Renaud for another Botanical Embroidery workshop, from beginners to intermediate! Lucy Sterezylo’s Pysanky workshop returns, learn this beautiful Ukrainian egg-decorating process just in time for Easter! And Kathryn Bondy is also returning to the lab with her paper-flower magic, she will be teaching participants how to make a Bloodroot plant out of paper!

Sign up today and learn something new! And remember – you can give the gift of creativity with a County Arts Lab gift certificate!

  • Intro to Bookbinding with Lucy Sterezylo
  • Journey Through Colour and Style with Julie Seddon
  • Drawing for Absolute Beginners with Irene Götz
  • Art and Activism with Kat Burns
  • Puppeteering with Ali Eisner
  • Puppeteering for Kids with Ali Eisner
  • Quick & Dirty Animation workshop with Constant Yen Saturday April 5 1pm to 4pm, ages 18+ County Arts Lab
  • Pysanky Workshop with Lucy Sterezylo
  • Paper Botanical Sculpting: Bloodroot Plant with Kathryn Bondy
  • Botanical Embroidery with Christine Renaud
Glass 101 with Kirei Samuel

Glass 101 with Kirei Samuel

In this session youth will learn about glass as a craft material through a number of creative projects using glass fusing techniques. Students will learn all about the art of glass fusing from how to work with cold glass to make a design to understanding the process of firing the work in a kiln to fuse it together. Guidance on the elements and principles of art and design as well as methods for making interesting and engaging surface design will be covered. Students will make a variety of beautiful pieces including bowls, jewellery, and unique art pieces and will leave with an appreciation of this unique medium. All materials will be provided.

  • Join the County Arts Lab Mailing List!
  • gift certificate

General Info

Location – The County Arts Lab is located in unit 2E on the Main Street level of the Picton Armoury Building (206 Main Street, Picton). The most convenient access is through the Main Street entrance, but you can also enter through the back/Mary St. entrance and use the interior stairs to reach the main floor (please note there is no elevator in the Armoury). There is one accessible parking spot at the corner of Main and Ross streets across from The Regent Theatre. The entrance to the building is accessible, and there is an accessible washroom right near the Lab.

Note on the Covid-19 pandemic – The safety of our community is a top priority for County Arts, and we are continually updating our Covid-19 Policy and Protocols based on the state of the pandemic. During classes we run the Blueair Pro L Air Purifier, which captures virus particles down to 0.1 microns at 99.97% effectiveness.

Bursaries for children and youth – To increase community access to our programming, we are providing a limited number of bursaries for children and youth (under 18) who wish to attend our paid programs. Please contact Programs Manager Sarah Burtscher at to find out more.

AccessibilityWe are committed to providing an accessible environment in which all individuals have equal access to County Arts Lab programming in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Please let us know of any accommodations that County Arts Lab participants with disabilities may require. 

Click on the following links to read:

Ongoing and Past Courses

  • Grid image with children in a movement class with 2 instructors in an open concept indoor space on the top, bottom left is an image of three people admiring indigo dyed cloth, and the bottom right is a sitted figure working on marcrame with an instructor
  • a grid of images, on the top left is a group of people seated working on abstract paintings, top right is an instructor showing cyanotypes on the wall to a seated class. And on the bottom is an instructor teaching a group of kids abstract techniques

If an offering you are interested in has already begun, it may still be possible to join (please send an email to to inquire).

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