The Maker’s Hand
Call for ArtistsApplications are now open for the 21st edition of The Maker’s Hand! P...
====\\DeRAIL Platform for Art + Architecture announces a community-engaged, site-specific, temporary, public art program that animates a Western section of the Millennium Trail with Conrad Beaubien and Krista Dalby / The Department of Illumination.
Led by storyteller Conrad Beaubien, Walking with Thunder is an adventure into the landscape, a monthly trek with a donkey through the seasons from October 2020 – May 2021. A passage of self-reveal, a re-finding mission, Walking with Thunder takes a close-up look at the stuff of every day during this time of social isolation and rapid change: Walking with Thunder is storytelling of today; it is an exchange with an audience through new media and conventional means of communication.
The program aims to safely draw people into a placemaking experiment in an open green space to inspire new ways of understanding this popular local trail. Conrad Beaubien’s meditative monthly walks with a donkey, and The Department of Illumination’s celebratory bike parade in spring, both invite audiences to pause, to listen, to observe, and to consider how we might think differently about this unique, shared public landscape beyond its usual function as a movement corridor. Where time is something to be considered rather than counted, ====\\DeRAIL invites people to add their own layers of meaning to a linear landscape beyond its functional role as a mobility corridor.
Follow the storytelling @derailart as it unfolds over the next 7 months. Or, see you on the trail!
Applications are now open for the 21st edition of The Maker’s Hand! P...
We are completely blown away by our community’s generosity, and are thril...