Together, we did
AnnouncementWe are completely blown away by our community’s generosity, and are thril...
Mad Dog Gallery presents Good Things in Small Packages, a diverse show of miniatures and other smaller affordable works by the following Mad Dog Gallery artists:
Acrylic – Brian Clark, Andrew King
Colloidal – Julie Duff
Oil – Doris Richardson, Celia Sage & Susan Straiton
Pastel – Rosemary Brown
Pottery – Bill Reddick
Textiles – Anne House, Marianne Sanders
Watercolour – Andrew Innes
This year’s guest artist is painter Alison Fowler. The show runs November 19 – January 6. Open daily, 10 AM-5 PM.
We are completely blown away by our community’s generosity, and are thril...
Textile Artists Bear Epp, Bay Woodyard, and Renee Lortie will be taking ove...