The Maker’s Hand
Call for ArtistsApplications are now open for the 21st edition of The Maker’s Hand! P...
Canadian encaustic artist Andrew Csafordi paints using the elements of nature – beeswax, damar resin (tree sap), heat, air and pigments – to not only harness the natural world, but also the world in his imagination.
“The rhythms in creating art connects us with the rhythms in our life. I feel a natural creative cadence to how I work – a modulation of motion and emotion – that is captured in each painting. There is spontaneity but also a harmonious dialogue with deep consideration for the encaustic wax medium with its own rich ancient past that flows into the present.”
Through his latest solo show, Cadence, Andrew explores the modulation of both his inner voice and the encaustic wax medium through new works that capture the flowing rhythms … from the first brush stoke through to the final layer of colour.
Cadence is an open invitation for the viewer to journey into Andrew’s paintings. The exhibition and sale runs August 1st through September 30th at ANDARA Gallery located at 54 Wilson Road in the heart of Prince Edward County.
Applications are now open for the 21st edition of The Maker’s Hand! P...
We are completely blown away by our community’s generosity, and are thril...