We are mother and daughter united in our singularly modern approach to match your identity, life and living with gorgeous culturally relevant art works. Bringing you an experience of fine art that moves you. Inviting you to slow down, pay attention, and experience contemporary art that evokes and ignites emotion wherever you are.
About Dahlia
Co-founder, Gallerist, and Artist
My goal is to share my passion for art with you. Art is a big part of our family story. Getting dressed for a visit to the local art museum and galleries, in whichever city we are, is a constant in how we spend our time at home and in our travels. My hope for this gallery is to share with you that love and intrigue. Emphasizing the uniqueness and curiosity of the artistic process and your response to it, and bringing you an art experience that is unlike any other. Unique art, that will intrigue you, leave you questioning, that you may have loved or may not understand; but never leaves you without feeling.
About Belinda
Co-founder and Collector
Dahlia S L is a manifestation of our love and passion for original, evocative fine art. Our eyes may receive the same information on a singular piece, yet our personal introspections and interpretations will create a totally new experience of the art. It can reflect your identity, revealed through the artistic process that someone has released to you. For new and discerning collectors, wherever you are, we will bring you the experience of fine art wherever we are.
See The WorkDuo exhibition featuring paintings by Emily Pope and sculptures by Donna Zekas
July 13-30, 2024
County Arts Lab – 206 Main Street, Unit 2E, Picton
Click here for more information.