Artist Fund

Artist Fund

In 2017, we launched the Artist Fund to support the career development of local artists, and have since awarded more than $35,000 in grants through this initiative.

Professional Development

This program’s objective is to support artists as they advance their career through learning / skills-building and market development activities. The maximum grant request amount is $1000. There is no deadline. Grants will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis until the fund is depleted. View the detailed Program Guidelines, including the link to the Application Form, by clicking on "Learn More".

Public Art

Our Public Art Grant program is being redesigned for 2025. Please stay tuned for updates on this grant program, and see the Impact section below for a glimpse into the projects it has funded to date.

Artists in the Community

To assist artist members in realizing a community-based art project that will directly engage residents. Total annual amount to be awarded in this program is $2500. The 2024 application deadline was October 1st, 2024.

Check out the Artist Fund slide deck for photos and testimonials demonstrating the unique, powerful impact of this program within our local artist community.

Artist Fund Slide Deck by Emily Clark


Important information about the Artist Fund

Artists, please read our Evaluation Rubric prior to completing your application. Accommodations for applicants with disabilities are available upon request. Competitive Artist Fund applications are assessed by a Peer Selection Committee composed of members of our Artist Advisory Committee and/or artists with specific expertise as needed, who are compensated for their time. Click to read our Peer Assessment Process Policies and Procedures document. Please send any inquiries to Programs Director Stacey Sproule at

Equity Priority Policy

In a 2024 survey conducted by Hill Strategies in partnership with the Cultural Human Resource Council, 78% of responding artists had “experienced systemic barriers in their careers, including but not limited to: Sexism, ageism, class, race, mental ability or disability, and sexual orientation.”

We value artists who express and reflect our diverse stories, histories, communities, cultures and artistic practices, and are taking several concrete actions to remove barriers to artist opportunities as committed to in our 2022-27 Strategic Plan and IDE Policy (linked here), including by developing a Voluntary Self-Identification Framework and Equity Priority Policy and applying this in our competitive application processes.

Since beginning to collect self-identification data (for a total of 105 opportunities so far), we have learned that our programs and opportunities benefit a high proportion of equity-seeking artists: 10% of selected applicants identified as Indigenous persons (compared to 3% of PEC residents); 7% identified as racialized persons (compared to 3% of PEC residents); and 24% identified as LGBTQ2SIA+ (local data unavailable but 4% of Canadians identified as LGBTQ2SIA+ in 2021 census).

The Artist Fund can only be sustained with help from the community. Please consider supporting the creative entrepreneurs of our community by making a donation, or becoming a sponsor!

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